I study women in automobile situations, including driving stick shift with high heels, revving engine anger management, damsel in distress, foot fetish, car stuck. I started my study as a personal project. Upon uploading content to youtube I began getting request for video footage of women operating the pedals of a car with sexy high heels on or barefoot but not limited to. These request came along with the question of how much I would charge to make the video. I would respond back with a price and payment would be made in advance usually immediately. I had developed a fairly large number of female actors, models, talents that were interested in creative work. I used this network of talents to help me set up a service called Custom Videos. I also found out that this market of customers was not local. It was across all 50 states but shortly thereafter to my surprise I found it it was worldwide. The only problem holding foreign customers from ordering was the payment gateway. If their country had pay pal it was a done deal. I also found out that aside from Men wanting to watch videos of a selected female driving in Black Nine West stiletto pumps (as an example) they wanted to experience such in person. So I opened up Florida Fetish Fantasy Vacations. Utilizing my network of Female associates and friends I was able to come up with a way to facilitate, simple request like riding in a car with a woman driver that is all dolled up with the desired outfit and shoes on foot but we also had a niche for men that wanted to ride with a female driver who is smoking a cigarette usually the long Virginia slim 120's something I also found exciting so I jumped into it and even utilized the customers assets for video productions. Assets being rental vehicles or personal vehicle, for my video clip store content. We also pulled out the stops and offered Foot worship and ballbusting sessions that went along with the notorious foot parties held in my town Tampa Florida.
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