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  • Uploaded: 2012-03-15 21:29:26.95
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 3
  • Views: 1953
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Creator's Description

This brief tutorial explains how to use the Don Giovanni files of My Repetituer. You can just watch the videos of the score playing. But you cannot modify the tempo or edit the music. You can do that and more by playing the underlying files directly on your computer. I have made four files for each mumber. (ENF, WMV. PDF and XML). The scanning software SmartScore produces an ENF file which plays on your PC if you have a copy of SmartScore. Alas a full version of SmartScore costs $400. However using the free Finale Notepad software you can use the equivalent MusicXML file to play a version that looks almost the same. Currently I am mailing out the files on request. I will be building a cloud based file sharing system soon. See the website for details.


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