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  • Uploaded: 2012-05-04 11:54:58.91
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Does having lots of IB internships increase your chances?

Creator's Description Imagine a banker that's been given 50 resumes/CVs and has been told to select 5 good candidates. Who do you think he'll find more interesting: the girl or guy with 3 bank internships, or the one that built houses in Africa one summer, climbed Everest the next and has one quality bank internship? If you sound boring and unidimensional, very few people will want to hire you because they have to work with you for many hours on a daily basis; they want to be able to chat to you about more than just what the latest Bloomberg headline is. So if you're feeling intimidated by friends that have a gazillion investment banking internships whilst you chose to do lots of other things with your holidays, trust me, there is nothing to worry about, you will stand out because of your diverse experiences. More at:

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