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Home > Video Gallery >  When is the best time and day to call cold call a banker?


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  • Uploaded: 2012-05-04 13:30:35.473
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When is the best time and day to call cold call a banker?

Creator's Description After 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. If you email a banker on Monday, that email will go to the very bottom of their to-do list and will swiftly be forgotten. If you call, they'll be desperate to get you off the phone so they can get on with their work. On Friday, most people are winding down. Anything that's been put off until Friday has to get done before the close of business. Anything else can wait 'til Monday. If your résumé/CV finds itself in the wait-'til-Monday pile, it won't ever see the light of day. More at:

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