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Home > Video Gallery >  Adventures of the Battlefield 'NOOB' (Episode One)


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  • Uploaded: 2012-05-30 11:49:29.197
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 45
  • Views: 3948
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Adventures of the Battlefield 'NOOB' (Episode One)

Creator's Description

NOOB goes flying! After four years of playing console games, I step back into the PC world as the NOOB! We've all been a NOOB and we all know how hard it is starting out. So I've decided to record bits and pieces of my NOOB journey on Battlefield 3 to share with you folk! This is my first time using video editing software so I kinda don't know what I'm doing as yet! If you like this video and the other random videos I've got, click the subscribe button! I'll try uploading new videos on a weekly basis if I've got the chance!


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