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Home > Video Gallery >  I love Ahmedabad


Templates: 6

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  • Uploaded: 2012-04-15 14:35:10.427
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 6
  • Views: 4661
  • Rate:  (6)

I love Ahmedabad

Creator's Description

Ahmedabad is the largest city in Gujarat (India). It is located on the banks of Sabarmati River. Ahmedabad is 3rd fastest growing city in the world and Ahmedabad is the best city to live in India. 600 year old Ahmedabad is the largest city of Gujarat state and was founded by Sultan Ahmad Shah when he saw a rabbit chase back a dog..Since then Ahmedabad has changed a lot. Ahmedabad is a very colourful city in terms of its rich heritage. This video show life style of Ahmedabad, this video show terrific traffic. This video was edited by using PowerDirector 10. World's fastest consumer video editing software. I made two Time lapse effect also which are in last part, those images are actually still images but PowerDiretor converted them nicely in videos. PowerDirector works wonder!


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