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Home > Video Gallery >  Earth Wind and Fire - Guiding Lights
MR d1981

MR d1981

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  • Uploaded: 2012-06-04 08:35:35.02
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 26
  • Views: 3526
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Earth Wind and Fire - Guiding Lights

Creator's Description

Its always a pleasure to hear EARTH WIND and FIRE and making music like they use to anyone younger than 25 this may almost be to hip for you take so u may want to check out somthing else but it you know and recognise a great tune take a peak it just may ruin you (lol) these fellas area benchmark to go by .and a tribute to how real soul music fused with all the elements that make for a good sound is all about and guess what this is new!!!. devendo 1981 music movies


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