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Home > Video Gallery >  You're my friend you're my lover


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  • Uploaded: 2012-06-25 08:51:40.203
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 7
  • Views: 2061
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You're my friend you're my lover

Creator's Description Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 10 This is a song we made the first week we started going steady february 2011. It was true when we wrote the lyrics and it has become more true the more we got to know each other. We planned to make a video to the song when we have been engaged for a year. It took a little more time than we expected but here it is now :-) Enjoy and let us know what you think about it:-) Remember to share it with your friends. Hugs. Thor and Freja.


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