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Home > Video Gallery >  2012-09-24 #280 The CWR Train


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  • Uploaded: 2012-10-03 14:58:52.363
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 19
  • Views: 1398
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2012-09-24 #280 The CWR Train

Creator's Description

Continuous Welded Rail - The sequence opens with th CWR train westbound to Hope, BC , where it can clear the main to allow traffic to pass on this single-track section of Canadian National's Yale Subdivision. The CWRT returns eastbound over the crossing that the Hi-Rail crew have blocked so rail can be dropped. The rail, 5/8 of a mile long and 136 pounds per yard, is pulled off the rack as the train again moves west. Next drop is in the Hope, BC yard. Recorded using a Canon XA10, edited and produced using Cyberlink Power Director 11. N.B. Neither cameras nor operator encroached on the line of the right-of-way in making this video. It is dangerous, foolhardy (and illegal) to enter onto a railway right-of-way. Just sayin' ...


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