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Home > Video Gallery >  2012-09-28 #284 Across the Fields


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  • Uploaded: 2012-10-04 18:43:23.973
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 17
  • Views: 1365
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2012-09-28 #284 Across the Fields

Creator's Description

Sometimes I like to stand back and watch the world go by. Preferably with a rail line close by, of course. A somewhat grey day on 272nd Street in Langley finds westbound CN2322 leading containers through recently mown and packaged hay. Then the next-to-last of the season Rocky Mountaineer blasts eastward with a 4 unit head-end and way more cars than is usual. Next up, CP8947 leads a slow moving coal-empty. He's waiting for CN2252, a westbound Grainer, to clear the single track section a few miles ahead. Aforesaid 2252 finishes the segment. Recorded with a Canon XA10 and a Sony CX110, edited and produced using Cyberlink Power Director 11. N.B. Neither the cameras nor the operator encroached on the line of the right-of-way in making this video. It is dangerous, foolhardy (and illegal) to enter onto railway line. Just sayin' ...


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