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  • Uploaded: 2013-02-12 13:08:54.923
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 18
  • Views: 2358
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skipjack pool test 1

Creator's Description

This was the first real shakedown cruise of my new RC submarine. It is a conversion of the Moebius 1/72nd Skipjack class submarine. It was converted with parts I purchased from such as the new S.A.S sub driver water tight cyclinder and the fittings kit. Both of which were designed and produced by David Merriman. This cruise highlighted several issues I thought to have addressed during the testing at home in the tank with one failure in particular that would have been tradgic had I decided to head to the open lake rather than an enclosed clear water pool. The footage was taken by my patiant and somewhat understanding wife, Sandy and the video was put together using CyberLink PowerDirector 10.


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