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Home > Video Gallery >  YOUR Insurance AGENCY MANAGER


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  • Uploaded: 2013-02-01 18:42:55.753
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 17
  • Views: 2375
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Creator's Description

*NO LONGER USE EVERY ROOM OF YOUR HOUSE/CAR AS AN INSURANCE BIZ* - User friendly and developed by an insurance agent for insurance agents - Say goodbye to sticky notes and endless papers with contact information - Quit losing those fall through the crack sales because you lost your lead info - Everything you've ever wanted to take your contacts, calendar, appointments, to do's wherever you go - Extremely affordable for even the smallest insurance agency or even agent - Do reports and searches for about anything you can imagine - Mobile phone capability - Secure data storage ***Free trial and you don't have to use a credit card to start it***


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