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Home > Video Gallery >  Jacincintha Saldanha: Not a one-off incident.
Ronald Medlicott

Ronald Medlicott

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  • Uploaded: 2013-03-07 06:15:15.727
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Jacincintha Saldanha: Not a one-off incident.

Creator's Description

The death of Jacintha Saldanha is a major embarrassment for the Australian Government and the Australian mass media. For decades the mass media has been driving up the nation's suicide rate with the official approval of bureaucratic "fat cats" who are socially and culturally blind to this lethal activity which, over many years, has created a humanitarian disaster of holocaust proportions. This video is an edited segment from a Social Justice sermon preached a at Baptist Church in South Australia on 2nd February 2013. A longer, 25 minute version, has been submitted to the inquest into Ms Saldanha's death along with documents that demonstrate a culture of reckless indifference to consequences by the Australian Government and the Australian mass media.

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