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Home > Video Gallery >  Danica Patrick Interview TMS April 2013
Steve Borkowski

Steve Borkowski

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  • Uploaded: 2013-04-17 20:03:51.7
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Danica Patrick Interview TMS April 2013

Creator's Description

Norman R. "Norm" Hitzges of KTCK SportsRadio 1310am/104.1fm “The Ticket" Dallas Texas interviews Tony Stewart before the April 2013 night race at Texas Motor Speedway. My family was fortunate enough to be allowed to share Norm's table with him and he is a true professional and a gentleman. It wa an honor to have lunch with him at his table and watch his interviews! Mr. Hitzges reflects great honor and respect on himself, his station, and has an iconic voice that compels interest in his stories and his subjects. I thank him for making a memorable family moment for us even more remarkable and I hope to see cross paths with this gentleman again. Thank your Norm from "TexBork" and my family for being such a great host to us at your table! My family are your new fans from Lago Vista, Texas!


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