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Comments (25)
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Merxe (Added on 2013/3/18)
La música y el video son preciosos. Gracias por compartir, así podremos aprender. Saludos cariñosos.
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/18)
Thank you very much . Have a nice day... Mayya
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NeilT (Added on 2013/3/11)
Musik est Magnifique - compelling one's attention. Bella video.
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/12)
Thank you
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Nelly (Added on 2013/3/11)
belle vidéo jolie musique
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/12)
Merci beaucoup
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Francis Berthereau (Added on 2013/3/11)
trop bien!!!
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/12)
Merci beaucoup
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zalygem (Added on 2013/3/9)
Great Video pleased to see how much can be done with effects etc gives great inspiration. many thanks
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/9)
Thanks a lot
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lilia (Added on 2013/3/7)
Майя, привет! Красиво и оригинально создано видео!!! Молодец!!!С весной!С наступающим 8 марта!!! Любви и счастья!!! ********************** Лилия
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/8)
Лилечка , привет ! Поздравляю с 8 Марта и шлю букет лилий ! Майя
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lilia (Added on 2013/3/9)
Майечка! Особое СПАСИБО за букет лилий!!!:)
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DOA (Added on 2013/3/4)
Decidedly your comments don't appear on my videos thanks for your comments my dear friend. Have a nice week
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/5)
Ok !
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DOA (Added on 2013/3/3)
Sorry my dear MayyaG but your comments don't appear on my videos............anyway , thanks a lot for watching my videos. Kisses
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/5)
Ok !
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alain (Added on 2013/3/2)
I personally prefer the original version of the music, I'not fan of th e remix;however,images are wonderful.It seems to be N ... more
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/3)
Hi Alan! Thank you for your comment. Thanks to him, t oday I saw the film "Black Swan." It's amazing ... more
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DOA (Added on 2013/3/1)
Specially good remixed partition of classical music and..... another masterpiece !! Congratulations
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/3/1)
Dear DOA ! Thanks a lot . Have a nice weekend... Mayya
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cuvelier jean pierre (Added on 2013/2/28)
Magnifique la vidéo !! j'aime beaucoup. jean pierre
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/2/28)
merci beaucoup
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Mayor (Added on 2013/2/26)
Mayya auguri per il tuo nuovo lavoro e complimenti per il tuo modo di esprimerti in tutti i video che fai.
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Mayya G (Added on 2013/2/26)
Thank you very much , dear Mayor .Although the installation movie on YouTube in the center of the film shifted three fragments. I am very upset. Mayya
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