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dino pinch

dino pinch

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  • Uploaded: 2013-06-07 06:35:08.553
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 53
  • Views: 3148
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A storm door latch has the purpose of keeping a storm door in place. If this function is not fully performed by the lock the storm door loses it’s effectiveness and the winter cold and summer heat and humidity that you are trying to keep out from your home will get in, rendering your air conditioner or heating system ineffective to an extent. Wasting resources and money to easly preventable loss. On stormy days or a heavy wind event a broken storm door handle will allow the door to freely open and catch the wind like a sail, ripping completly off the hinges, doing considerable damage. To prevent this, it is important to replace a storm door handle as soon as possible. You can do the job yourself. A step-by-step guide by YouTube's legendary Dino the Handyman. You can easly do this repair yourself after watching this informative and fun video.


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