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Ron Shawley

Ron Shawley

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  • Uploaded: 2013-09-06 12:45:04.88
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 1
  • Views: 949
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Fire Ball

Creator's Description

On Friday Morning Sept 6 2013 Ron Shawley captured this huge Fire Ball as it exploded over the city of Johnstown. At 6:15 AM many people driving to work turned to view the bright incoming object as it exploded over head. It was not only big but it entered the earth atmosphere where by leaving a smoke trail, just indicating how close it came. On any clear night one can view upwards to 4 or 5 meteors a night. In the past few nights Storm chaser Ron Shawley has captured over 24 meteor per night. Shawley was using a Canon EOS 60D camera and a series of equipment made to aide in the capturing of night sky events.


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