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  • Uploaded: 2014-04-21 03:48:01.81
  • Using:  PowerDirector 12
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Berezino Forest shooting

Creator's Description

So my friend and I were in the forset west of Berezino in the forset. We came across two others going the other way. One of the guys said "we are friendly, don't shoot". My friend said "we are friendly too" and told the other guys to lower their weapons. He replied back to us "you lower yours and we will too", so we did and the guy talking did too. Well it was looking fine, but his friend had other ideas. The guy that didn't talk started shot me. My friend opened fire on the "friendly" guy that was talking and he went down. I was bleeding, so I ran south as my friend followed. We stopped up the hill to see if he was following and saw that he was still in the same area. That's where this video starts....


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