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Home > Video Gallery >  DMC Meets Mortal Kombat


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  • Uploaded: 2013-05-18 01:32:56.923
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 88
  • Views: 2183
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DMC Meets Mortal Kombat

Creator's Description

This is a sneek Peek of A DMC series I am doing. I stopped doing it for a while due to the time constraints, but I will be back on it. Here is a sneek peek of episode mixes to come. I plan to have a mix for each chapter of DMC. This one is the moment Dante gets to the club and has to go through the guantlet of demons. I always pictured Mortal Kombat music in my head playing this level and here is a playthrough of just that. As always please subscribe and comment. I'm always looking to improve. Thanks


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