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Home > Video Gallery >  Sloooooow lorry


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  • Uploaded: 2013-08-14 20:15:57.667
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 2
  • Views: 1849
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Sloooooow lorry

Creator's Description

A4130 into Henley. 5.25miles through some lovely Bucks countryside - although not if you're stuck behind a lorry having problems - and nowhere to get by! Traffic was tailed back as far as the eye could see. Average speed works out at 26.25mph, slowest speed I recorded was around 14mph. Even travelling at well below the limit. the driver seemed to rely heavily on his brakes - I noticed a strange burning smell all the way but the blue smoke belching out on that final descent gave it away.


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