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Home > Video Gallery >  PowerDirector - Google Earth Zoom In sample
Lloyd De Jongh

Lloyd De Jongh

Templates: 0

Videos: 5

Photos: 0

  • Uploaded: 2017-03-19 16:01:34.377
  • Using:  PowerDirector 15
  • Templates Used: 12
  • Views: 1613
  • Rate:  (0)

PowerDirector - Google Earth Zoom In sample

Creator's Description

This 30 second video intro was produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 15, and took me about 2 hours to complete, then another hour or two to fiddle with until I got it just right. I set myself the challenge of producing 2 video intros today, and finished both. One used an Express Project template, this I did from scratch using Google Earth. If anyone is interested in learning how I did this with PowerDirector, comment below. I am interested in turning my travels into travel videos (also document and produce videos of my home city, Cape Town), so this is a step towards learning how to do just that. I've made great improvements in only 2 weeks ;) For some of my photography, check out @lloyddejongh - A Few Favourites: Professional Bio: LinkedIn: Facebook


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