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  • Uploaded: 2014-08-01 06:06:31.873
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Picnic in the Gran Sasso and Campli

Creator's Description

June 3rd took us to Parca Nationale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. One one of the largest protected areas in Europe, the showpiece being the massif of Gran Sasso. The park contains more than two thousand plant species, some of which are found exclusively in this area, such as Abruzzo Edelweiss, as well as fauna which are equally precious. Many species of wildlife inhabit the park, including rare animals such as the Abruzzo Chamois, as well as wolves, roe deer, wildcats, wild boars, foxes and squirrels. Notable birds include the Golden Eagle, the White-backed Woodpecker, the goshawk, the Common Buzzard and the peregrine. There are also insects, such as the Apollo Butterfly. June 4th took us to Cample where we were given a private tour of ancient buriel mounds and the frescos of the famous Campli Staircase


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