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Home > Video Gallery >  Lockpick Gun Review also known as Snap Gun, Lock Bump
dino pinch

dino pinch

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  • Uploaded: 2014-09-22 10:34:48.447
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Lockpick Gun Review also known as Snap Gun, Lock Bump

Creator's Description

A snap gun, aka lockpick gun, pick gun, or electric pick, a tool used to trick open a mechanical pin tumbler lock (a common type of cylinder lock) without the key. A steel rod is inserted into the lock and the snap gun briefly fires the rod against all of the lock pins simultaneously, momentarily freeing the cylinder and enabling it to be turned using a torsion wrench. The snap gun is an alternative to a old lockpick, which requires raking techniques to free the pins. A pin tumbler lock contains bottom pins and driver pins. bottom pins move within pin channels inside the cylinder assembly and are cut at different lengths corresponding to the lock keying. lock bump, bump key, lock pick gun


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