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Home > Video Gallery >  Project 365 - The first 90 Days


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Videos: 12

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  • Uploaded: 2014-12-15 23:28:49.477
  • Using:  PowerDirector 12
  • Templates Used: 99
  • Views: 299
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Project 365 - The first 90 Days

Creator's Description

I started this project on September 8, 2014 and am now into my 4th month. This video is the first 90 days where I have taken and posted a photo a day. It's been such a fulfilling project for me in so many ways. I've learned more about my camera (Nikon D200) in the past 90 days as well as getting to know other people with same interest as me from all over the world. Looking forward to the next 90!! Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 12 Music – “Walking on Rainbow”


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