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Home > Video Gallery >  Monsters in the Mine 2


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  • Uploaded: 2016-02-29 17:52:47.477
  • Using:  PowerDirector 14
  • Templates Used: 311
  • Views: 2045
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Monsters in the Mine 2

Creator's Description

Two brave boys, both drawn to adventure, were playing a game of hide and seek at the bottom of their lovely garden quite unaware that the ordinary every day could become the EXTRAordinary! A stop motion video featuring familiar scenes but taken to a different level with the freedom that this medium allows. Set around London, Totnes (Devon) and near Falmouth (Cornwall), the boys get to explore an underground world. They experience the power of Kennall gunpowder, Wiz Transporters, strangely familiar Wise Ones, Monsters that are both terrifying but again seemingly familiar and the delights of coastal sailing with sea friends to guide them. The video was produced during the winter of 2015 and shot using a Cannon DLSR camera in our home-built studio. Playmobil figures were used for the main characters plus some video tricks and 3D printing for certain scenes. Supporting stills and videos were taken on location in Rickmansworth, Totnes, Kennall pool and the Sea of Cortez. Music was chosen


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