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Home > Video Gallery >  Lightning Storm over Alexandra
Laurie Carroll

Laurie Carroll

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  • Uploaded: 2015-03-28 13:23:54.13
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 7
  • Views: 1779
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Lightning Storm over Alexandra

Creator's Description

I saw this slowy moving from the North over Alexandra towards us..... the lightning initially was distant and rather appeared to be above a wave like cloud above Alexandra...which you can see silouted in the 1st clip....there was at least one ground strike behind the lookout hill area.... Initially it was like a SciFi movie with lighter flickers right and left whuikle I was on our front deck looking North... then it got very active and moved over head with the rain wall hitting then sleet then hail...then fading rain as it moved towards Roxburgh to the South behind us... Very interesting in deed, hope you enjoyed it our found it usefull Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 10 and my Canon HF10 video camera WIN 7 Home Premium 64 bit


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