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Home > Video Gallery >  Drawer Insists on Opening on its Own SOLVED !
dino pinch

dino pinch

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  • Uploaded: 2015-09-08 22:59:52.79
  • Using:  PowerDirector 13
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Drawer Insists on Opening on its Own SOLVED !

Creator's Description

Whether it occurs in the the bathroom or the bedroom, drawer creep is off-putting and a little dysfunctional. When a drawer insists on opening on its own, it can catch your clothes as you walk by, and small, important things can roll in and -- because you didn't see it happen -- essentially disappear. Drawer creep indicates a lack of balance, but you can restore that balance. The cabinet -- or perhaps even the floor -- may be tilted. To check, put a level on the top of the cabinet and watch the bubble -- if it tends toward back of the cabinet, you may have diagnosed the problem. You can't always adjust the level of the cabinet, but if you can, do so by shimming the front feet with wood or plastic shims to bring the bubble to dead center A cabinet drawer that will not stay closed is an aggravation . I bought a new dresser that has drawers that are on rails. One of the drawers, when full, will not stay shut. Is there a way to tighten it on the rail? There should be screws holding the rails on each side of the dresser. If there are, you can loosen the and slightly raise the angle of each drawer runner, then retighten the screws. You can remove and reinstall the screws into another hole if necessary. If there are not screws to loosen, then the best and easiest way would be to shim up the front of the dresser slightly.


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