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Home > Video Gallery >  Aleigha Enjoying Her Garden Trio


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  • Uploaded: 2015-09-10 20:37:39.907
  • Using:  PowerDirector 13
  • Templates Used: 11
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Aleigha Enjoying Her Garden Trio

Creator's Description

Aleigha likes her Barley Life, RediBeets and Just Carrots dry, straight from spoon to mouth. However, some children may like them best mixed with water or in a smoothie. Barley Life, RediBeets and Just Carrots are whole food juice concentrates. Whole food juice concentrates are one of the easiest ways to increase your child's daily vegetable intake, greatly enhancing their immune system and reducing the risk of many chronic diseases. One rounded teaspoon of each of these whole food juice concentrates equals four child servings of green, red and orange vegetabeles each!


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