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Home > Video Gallery >  Stampede 4x4 VXL Winter 3-Cell Lipo Edit Remasterd 2014


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  • Uploaded: 2015-09-22 20:11:04.2
  • Using:  PowerDirector 12
  • Templates Used: 29
  • Views: 1744
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Stampede 4x4 VXL Winter 3-Cell Lipo Edit Remasterd 2014

Creator's Description

I wasnt to happy with the other video I had of this clip. Was 10 mins long. To long for me. So I did the project again, but just the action shots. Its whats right. I dont own the rights to the songs in the video. I do not make money from the video. It is just a Hobbie, its why we all do what we do wiht RC Cars. Subscribe and see more videos as I upload them. Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 12


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