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Home > Video Gallery >  What Was I Smoking...La Jugada Habano
Gilbert Medina

Gilbert Medina

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  • Uploaded: 2016-01-22 23:04:26.7
  • Using:  PowerDirector 13
  • Templates Used: 29
  • Views: 813
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What Was I Smoking...La Jugada Habano

Creator's Description

This is the first of many blind reviews. The purpose of these cigar reviews is to judge a cigar by smoking it and not knowing what I am smoking. I am a fairly new to cigar smoking and do not like watching reviews that are biased based on a label. Therefore I take out the label equation out, smoke it, determine if I like it or not, discuss what type of flavors I get from the cigar and strength in hopes that I can give a fair and honest review. I am like most people. I can not determine many flavors yet. I can pick up certain notes but at the end of the night, I just want to enjoy a cigar. Please like and share and leave comments. I will respond accordingly and remember, I am a fan of cigar smoking and not a full blown expert. Just an ordinary smoker like many of you giving you what I think of cigars and products and reviews.


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