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Home > Video Gallery >  Buzz Talk - Monthford Misfits ~ Charlotte, NC


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  • Uploaded: 2016-09-20 19:47:40.69
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Buzz Talk - Monthford Misfits ~ Charlotte, NC

Creator's Description

The late Andy Warhol once commented “Don’t think about making art, just get it done," and in Charlotte, North Carolina, Brian Egger and his partners at Montford Misfits are doing just that. They're making art, and it's popularity has expanded so much, you can see it in restaurants, bars, breweries, and bottle shops all over the state and beyond. You may not have heard of Brian, but if you're a patron of craft beer establishments, you've likely seen and even commented on their custom beer maps that adorn walls and entry ways everywhere. Most maps are unique with slight additions and subtractions. And as as the beer industry expands, so do designs as well as the number of establishments and individuals wanting their very own map. But each print or cutout map serves chronicals the rise of craft breweries around the state. We stopped in to visit with Brian Egger about how their concept came to be and where they see it expanding in the future.


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