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Home > Video Gallery >  Shake it off


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  • Uploaded: 2017-01-12 22:19:03.94
  • Using:  PowerDirector 15
  • Templates Used: 21
  • Views: 285
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Creator's Description

January 10, 2017 Vlog Entry #10 This Vlog is an appeal to the whole online community for help. The sugar and my weight are killing me. I want to live. Please help me stay honest with my weight program. All you have to do is send me a message and remind me that my weight is not coming down. How would you know. I will be posting my weight on every other video. At the very least once or twice a week. Please help me reach my goal. Tell your friends to help. Believe me, at my age...I need all the help I can get. Thank you. Oh, if you have weight issues and I can help. Let me know. Music generously Provided by YouTube Retreat by Jason Farnham


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