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  • Uploaded: 2017-06-07 22:19:40.95
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15 Min Intense Chest and Back Workout

Creator's Description

Looking for a fast and quick Chest and Back workout? If you can carve out 15 minutes, you can get a good muscle buring, fat blasting workout. So what is the workout? This workout consits of 4 exercises, with 10 reps per exercise, for each set. Do as many sets as you can in 15 minutes. 1st Exercise- Bench Press 2nd Exercise- Bent over rows 3rd Exercise- Inclined Bench press 4th Exercise- Front lat pull downs Use light weights so you won't fatigue too quickly, drink water, and rest when needed, but keep the rests short. If you get too tired, drop the weights down and continue. Good Luck! Song: Mondays Suck by TechnoAxe's Royality Free Music


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