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Home > Video Gallery >  Why am I a Diabetic?
Dr Spages

Dr Spages

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  • Uploaded: 2017-07-27 23:41:51.813
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Why am I a Diabetic?

Creator's Description

Why Am I a Diabetic? Is it Genetic? What is late onset diabetes? Dr. Jonathan Spages DC provides valuable information to help diabetics reverse their health conditions. He does not treat diabetes but finds the causes and uses natural protocols to improve overall health. Dr. Jonathan Spages works on Functional Medicine to help people, see improvements on their blood sugar level, on their energy, lose weight. We do this by very comprehensive test and lab and putting peoople on specific protocols with diet and nutrition and supplements to get better. We don't treat diabetes. We treat why you're diabetic. We look at the real reasons behind the disease and why you're blood sugars are up. So if we decide to accept you in our program, We're gonna figure out what's causing behind the disease. Natural Diabetes Doctor: Dr Jonathan Spages DC See our other videos at Dr Spages practices functional medicine in Paterson NJ. He can be reached by 973-523-5252


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