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Home > Video Gallery >  Quick 2 Exercise Chest Workout


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  • Uploaded: 2017-09-24 01:51:29.8
  • Using:  PowerDirector 15
  • Templates Used: 22
  • Views: 902
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Quick 2 Exercise Chest Workout

Creator's Description

In today's video I will be showing you 2 exercises you can do to work the entire chest muscle. Today's video also marks the new 2 in 10 workout series I will be doing. The 2 in 10 is where I show you 2 exercises you can do to engage most of a specific muscle group and how you can work it in 10 minutes. That way if you are in a pinch for time, you have options. Check out hte video and let us know what you think! 1) Low Cable Cross-Overs - 1:42 2) High Cable Cross-Overs - 3:21


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