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  • Uploaded: 2018-06-03 03:05:59.123
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Field Camera Series Week 22 - Can You See Me Now?

Creator's Description

While a week late this includes my Memorial Day Message. No luck with the Wood Chuck camera so it has been replaced. OUt of all the cameras I have this is the first and only one with an issue. I will have more to say about that in a week or two. Overall deer have been on the move a new bird showed up. Sometimes what you do not see can bring questions to mind. Where are the Turkey where are the coyetes we know they are there and we have heard pup calls at night and why have we not seen a fawn yet while they are rarely sighted this early I would have expected to have seen at least one considering most births happen here in May and early June. Last couple of years we have typically had 5 or 6 twins born. Keep an eye out I am sure they are coming.


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