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Home > Video Gallery >  War Thunder Air RB - P40-F10 - BEAST!!!
Charles E Johnson Sr

Charles E Johnson Sr

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  • Uploaded: 2018-06-16 00:54:10.297
  • Using:  PowerDirector 14
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  • Views: 449
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War Thunder Air RB - P40-F10 - BEAST!!!

Creator's Description

It only took 3 battles in the E1 to unlock the F10. Took 9 to spade it. This was the 9th. In those 9 battles I have 13 kills and 5 deaths. 3 of those 5 were due to engine failure after damage. Only 4 victories. Don't know why. Been fighting mostly Germans. They've been spamming out 110s & 111s a lot, but there have been plenty of 109s as well. I haven't had much problem dealing with any of them. Well...most of them. This bird doesn't climb, roll or turn very well, but it's fast enough and has pretty decent energy retention. I find it's best to just let it roll until it lifts off and then let it climb at that angle. You get about as good a climb as you're going to and keep your speed up at the same time. I've had it up around 4k a couple of times, but under 3k most of the time. Overheating is an issue, but easily manageable. MEC would probably make it even less of an issue. If you want to learn how to get the best out of your American fighters, check out this video : He has a lot of good videos that explain not only WHAT to do, but HOW to do it and, most importantly, WHY it works. I highly recommend watching him and Adam514 if you want to seriously up your game.


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