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Home > Video Gallery >  War Thunder - un fkng believable
Charles E Johnson Sr

Charles E Johnson Sr

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  • Uploaded: 2018-07-13 18:49:53.77
  • Using:  PowerDirector 14
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War Thunder - un fkng believable

Creator's Description

Bad job gaijin. Again. Every time I think this can't get any more ridiculous, here it comes. This may seem trivial, and it is. But it's an indication of the lack of professionalism within gaijin's programming staff. If they can't manage the little things, like this and counting, etc... how can they be relied upon to manage the big things. This is 1st semester, freshman level work from a company that makes millions. It also goes a long way toward explaining how tanks can be invisible until AFTER they kill me when they're right out in the open literally right in fron of me at point blank range. BAD JOB GAIJIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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