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Geoff B

Geoff B

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  • Uploaded: 2017-07-08 13:15:10.43
  • Using:  PowerDirector 15
  • Templates Used: 27
  • Views: 1019
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Warwell comparison

Creator's Description

A side by side comparison of the recent Hattons exclusive and Oxford rail Wallwell wagons. The light grey OR wagon is cheaper than Hattons, it is also much lighter as it lacks the metal under frame of the Hattons model. I'm not sure why they are such different shades as both are supposed to be WD wagons on loan to different big four companys, unless they were built by different makers. the Hattons couplings seem far to long, but other videos have shown how to shorten them and reduce the huge gap they create. Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 15


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