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Home > Video Gallery >  Valentine's Day 2019 Kevin & Cindy O'Neil
Kevin O'Neil

Kevin O'Neil

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  • Uploaded: 2019-02-11 20:16:02.867
  • Using:  PowerDirector 15
  • Templates Used: 36
  • Views: 2624
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Valentine's Day 2019 Kevin & Cindy O'Neil

Creator's Description

Valentine's Day 2019 Kevin & Cindy O'Neil When We were young, I tried to live without you, My heart would ache, I felt... I was dying inside. When I realized, I couldn't live without you, That was the moment, I came running back to You, Never to leave Your side again. I grasped your hands and said, 'Forever, I shall be here, by your side.' The tears that I have wept, were gone. The dark clouds that hovered over Me, Gave way to Rainbows and Sun. Never have I thought, That I could be so happy. Wrapped in each others arms, We are One. You complete, a once broken Man. You make Me Confident, Powerful... a Lion. My Lioness, I will protect you with my Life. Our future has yet to be known to Us, You and I will grasp the Brass Ring. We will live in eternal bliss, Forever and Ever, Watching the Sun break though the Mountains, It's warmth blanketing Our faces, Peace and Tranquility. We will peek through the veil, We will always be in eternal bliss, Forever and Ever. We will lie down in green pasture, Forever and Ever. Grasping hands, Forever and Ever. From this World to the Next, Forever and Ever and Ever. For My Beautiful Wife, Cindy. My Eternal Valentine. My the Lord Bless us, As we walk Our Path. Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 15 Ultimate


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