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Home > Video Gallery >  疫情天空下台北的YouBike巡遊/Bike Cruising under CoVid 19 in Taipei


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  • Uploaded: 2020-05-25 10:49:08.44
  • Using:  PowerDirector 18
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疫情天空下台北的YouBike巡遊/Bike Cruising under CoVid 19 in Taipei

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2020/04/12 大安公園-台大-公館-古亭河濱公園-師大-大安公園 This is what it looked like around Daan Forest Park and Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan since CoVid 19 had begun breaking out worldwide two months earlier. Through cruising perspective on You Bike, a cool sharing bike system in northern Taiwan, Taipei citizens were working out on a warm Sunday and showing their countenance and sense of safty while facing the wildly spreading pandemic.


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