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Home > Video Gallery >  How to Make Beer Can Chicken in the Instant Pot


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  • Uploaded: 2020-06-05 23:46:28.0
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How to Make Beer Can Chicken in the Instant Pot

Creator's Description

Juicy, flavorful, tender, and crispy Beer Can Chicken pressure cooked in our instant pot and finished in our air fryer. We all are in love with beer can chicken because there are infinite ways to flavor your chicken. This is our traditional rub recipe that has never failed us. This was a small bird and it had plenty of flavor. Feel free to enhance, soften, remove and add any ingredient you'd like to make it fit your taste buds just right. You can use your broiler to crispen up the skin as well, options are wide open. We have the recipe on our website,, and the link is included in this description.


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