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Home > Video Gallery >  2020 6 June 17 GRR Club Meeting on Emergency Operations Center
Doug Herdahl

Doug Herdahl

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  • Uploaded: 2020-06-18 03:41:25.493
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2020 6 June 17 GRR Club Meeting on Emergency Operations Center

Creator's Description

Are you familiar with the Emergency Operations Center? Then attend this meeting and learn what it is and how it helps us during an emergency - like the pandemic. As a profession, emergency management began in the 1950s as a result of the nuclear arms race. Civil defense - as it was called - helped cities and counties prepare for a nuclear disaster. Fortunately, no bombs were launched, and planners worked to make a difference in other areas. Weather is the most pressing threat, be it from floods, tornadoes, ice storms, or heat waves. Train derailments and other incidents pose a hazard where dangerous chemicals could be released. Today, emergency management seeks to prepare the community for a disaster through: Planning, training, and exercises Coordinate emergency response Minimize hazards and threats impacting life and property Recovery from significant emergencies and disasters Produced by Doug Herahl, Club President 2019-2020


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