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Home > Video Gallery >  episode 1A Season 1 Bloopers Highlight
Joe Vega survivor

Joe Vega survivor

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  • Uploaded: 2021-07-30 08:30:37.103
  • Using:  PowerDirector 19
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episode 1A Season 1 Bloopers Highlight

Creator's Description

In this short clip of a few bloopers made by Smkn Joe. In the first two clips Smkn Joe is trying out how an intro will sound for an upcoming product review episode. The third clip is Smkn Joe trying speaking and smoking at the same time. The video shows why thats NOT a good idea! Finally, the first thing to GO is your eye sight...Smkn.Joe is FINDING that out! Follow this show and follow the host on IG: Sir.Smkn.Joe #tags #cannabis #comedy #LA #lakush #loudpack #kingpen #kingroll #420 #coachellavalley #marijuana #calicannabisshow # The companies and their name have been used, all rights are still held by the owners of said trademarks and copyrights.


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