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Dwayne Collins

Dwayne Collins

Templates: 4

Videos: 43

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  • Uploaded: 2021-09-15 04:48:09.683
  • Using:  PowerDirector 16
  • Templates Used: 36
  • Views: 1207
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Creator's Description

WE all try to make the right decisions. WE plan and try our best to find the right path to our destinies. Then life shows us where WE are and our minds can't handle the pressures and WE get sick. WE try to make all things fit into a budget and it looks good mentally but because of jealousy and envy, WE don't want to see us go to accomplish our own goals. WE are our own enemies on sustaining survival. WE make each other fail. TRUTH is missing in our education and in life, all things point to us and then WE put each other in harms way. Then WE begin to think of different ways to make it. In the womb, WE learned how to grow and in mimicking the things around us, WE grown to become men and WOMEN of a society that breeds hatred and evil though LOVE is all WE sought. WE were unaware of the dangers of the serpant that lies and deceives us so that WE would be devoured b our own kind. WE had to find out that Prayer was our only defense against the powers WE possessed to cause harm to our fellowman. WE were told about principalities and deities that are to blame for our own foolishness and short comings and WE could blame them instead of us. Then as the world, WE lived in, began to freeze and become bitter and cold hearted, Nobody wanted to save the children. And WE had lied about their futures so much that they didn't want to listen. They wanted to try life for themselves. WE searched the skies above us for relief and dug far beneath the earth for shelter from our corruptions. WE wanted independence and Freedom, knowing all the time that if WE had grown dependent upon each other to be beside us and on every move. Because when WE Really Care and begin to LOVE and give LOVE to all who live on this earth, nothing will be out of reach...


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