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Home > Video Gallery >  Japanese food culture : Eki-Bento (Ekiben) #72 "Shiumai Bento"


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  • Uploaded: 2011-04-17 06:32:54.8
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Japanese food culture : Eki-Bento (Ekiben) #72 "Shiumai Bento"

Creator's Description

Railway boxed meals in Yokohama. Ekiben famous lunch boxes at every train station. Shiumai or Shumai dumpling is traditional foods of China. The shumai dumplings came to be known from the Chinatown in Yokohama to throughout Japan. It is from establishment of famous Yokohama that is called "Kiyorken". The shumai dumplings of Yokohama is very famous. They stuffed the container with it and sold it in the train station. ●●●●●Please forgive my clumsy English.●●●●● 崎陽軒/Kiyoken (Japanese only website) Shumai/Wikipedia Makunouchi/Wikipedia

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