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  • Uploaded: 2011-05-20 11:29:17.32
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
  • Templates Used: 7
  • Views: 2700
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Track 718A

Creator's Description

This all new 7 Series ball, the 718A, was designed to be a new and improved version of 2009’s 715A. In the two years since the introduction of the 715A, we have been working to design a more usable product for the masses. We used your feedback to design the 718A. Track’s 715A was and still is a very versatile ball but if you want to find one good luck. But track has made the 7 series even stronger with the 718A. This ball can be drilled stronger than the 715A or it can be made to mimic the motion found in the 715A. In this video I use the 916AT to demonstrate just how strong the 718A can be.


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