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  • Uploaded: 2011-05-31 19:24:55.343
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 14
  • Views: 1597
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Max Recovering

Creator's Description

My dog Max got loose in a thunder storm about 2 months ago. He was gone 4 days until we got a call from Amimal Control that they found Max in an ice-water filled ditch where we guess he spent about 30 hours. His core temp was 88 degrees (normal for a dog is 101) We fought to keep him alive through the night and got him to the Vet the next day. Max's pelvis was broken and he had some inturnal injuries - he couldn't walk or get up at all for two weeks. When he did finally start getting up and walking it was with me or my wife keeping a wide strap under him to support his rear quarters. After a month he was walking on his own but needs help up the steps. We found that as he healed his left leg and tail are barely functioning, his toes fold under and he is walking on his knuckles - causing some pretty ugly damage. That is the next bridge to cross.


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