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Home > Video Gallery >  Didgeridoo called the BOBARADOO, a tunable didgeridoo drone


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  • Uploaded: 2011-06-03 01:17:13.2
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 27
  • Views: 3224
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Didgeridoo called the BOBARADOO, a tunable didgeridoo drone

Creator's Description

Produced by Ironwoodbob This video shows the advantages of the inexpensive "BOBARADOO", a didgeridoo-like instrument. This instrument makes it easy to learn to circular breath and create a drone on many pitches since it is tunable. The mouth pieces and connectors accommodate the many individual differences of the didgeridoo players. Many types of Bobaradoos and didgeridoo can be found on Ironwoodbob's website at These Bobaradoos are all hand crafted and decorated by Ironwoodbob and can be used in healing yourself and others. Each instrument is a work of art and is created in the Sonoran Desert in the USA. Copyright Bob Leesley 2011 Other videos with healing songs can also be located on Youtube.


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