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  • Uploaded: 2011-08-04 01:17:31.967
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Plush Red Poison Dart Frog

Creator's Description This stuffed poison dart frog is a lovable little guy. Sure, his name is meant to scare the daylights out of you but, he won't really hurt you. At least this plush frog by Sonny & Co won't be causing any physical damage. This frog is not only super cute with his really bright colors, he is also huggable. Yeah, I wouldn't suggest going out and hugging a real live red poison dart frog. No, I am not a frog expert but his bright red and blue colors along with his name poison and dart just leave me with the impression that he doesn't like to be touched. So, if you have your heart set on owning one of these amphibians, I suggest you head on over to Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals and get one that is just a stuffed animal. Sure it isn't going to hop around by itself but it also isn't going to poison or dart you. ;)


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